Nun ist auch die Vorlage für unsere Plane fertig. Sie soll zukünftig auf Shows und Treffen hinter unserem Scorcher stehen, sozusagen als Schachtel-Ersatz. Neben den ganzen Sponsoren steht - angelehnt an die Beschreibung auf der originalen Box - folgendes drauf:
- 1/1 Real Size Car Suitable For Human Control
- Already assembled 1/1 precise 1968 model
- Forward and reverse 4-speed gearbox
- Requires gas, oil and a skilled driver
- Comes with engine
- 4 wheel independent suspension system
- Precisely restored steel body
- All new seals on body keep driver and gear clean and dry
- Motor and transmission are stock 'cause it doesn't matter
A young poet came to the magazine editorial office and said to the editor:
AntwortenLöschen- I'm sorry! I made a mistake and sent you the foodstuff bill instead of my poem.
-I thought it was a poem in modernistic language and sent it to the printing house - replied the editor.
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